
The Card element can display title, subtitle, description, image and link button.

Multiple Layout: Choose the layout when more than one cards are displayed. You can display multiple cards as Grid (Default) or as Slider.

Layout: Choose the layout for single card.

Title Settings

Title Class: Add CSS classes to style the title.

Subtitle Settings

Subtitle Class: Add CSS classes to style the subtitle.

Description Settings

Description Class: Add CSS classes to style the description of the card.

Hover Settings

Image Hover: Choose the hover effect for card image.

  • None
  • Grayscale
  • Grayscale Invert
  • Brightness
  • Brightness Invert
  • Dull
  • Sepia
  • Sepia Invert
  • Scale

Hover Duration: Select the hover duration.

Link Settings

Button Text: Add the caption for the link button. For example, Read More

Button Class: Add CSS classes to style the button. For example, btn btn-primary

Button Icon: Add the icon class for the button. For example, fa-solid fa-arrow-right