Extend Functionality by Adding Columns
You can add additional columns to the database tables to extend its functionality. For example, if you are creating Movies database, you can add columns for release date, director, story and so on.
1. Column Tab
Title: This is the title or the label of the field.
Description: This is the description or help text for the field.
Content: Select the database table or your application for the column.
Access: Select the view access level for the database column.
2. Column Options Tab
These settings determine how column is created in the database table.
Name: This is the name of the column in the database. The name should be in small letters and without any spaces.
Type: Select the data type of the column. There are four options - VARCHAR, DATETIME, INT, TEXT. The type is based on what data you need to store.
Length: This is the length of the column. This field is only used if the type is "VARCHAR" or "INT".
3. Field Options Tab
These settings apply how the column is displayed on the form (on the frontend as well as backend).
Field Set: Enter the name of the field set. Fields with same field set name are grouped together.
Required: Enable or disable it to make this field as required.
Type: Select the type of column. This is used for displaying the form field for entering the data. Following types are available:
- Calendar
- Checkboxes
- File
- File List
- Folder List
- Image List
- Integer
- List
- Note
- Number
- Password
- Radio
- Range
- Subform
- Telephone
- Text
- Text Area
- Url
Depending upon the type of the field, there may be some extra settings. Field settings are available after saving.
Default Value: Enter the default value for the field, if desired.
4. View Options Tab
These settings determine how the column or the field is displayed at the front-end.
Show Label: Disable it to hide the label or title.
Label Class: Enter the label class for styling.
Display: Select where to display the field (After title, Before description, After description) or not to display at all.
Prefix: Enter the text to be displayed before the field value. For example, currency symbol.
Suffix: Enter the text to be displayed after the field value. For example, units in measurement.
Layout: Select the layout. This will determine how the field is displayed. Some layout options are specific to certain types of field. Following options are available:
- Default
- Section
- Accordion (Subform)
- Alert
- Badge
- Button (Link)
- Date
- List (Subform)
- Progress
- Table (Subform)
- Tabs (Subform)
- Youtube
Depending upon the layout, there may be some extra settings.