Content Options
Here, you can set the ordering of the records and other options as displayed in the frontend.
Order Column: Select the name of the column for ordering.
Order Direction: Select from Ascending or Descending.
Unauthorized Links: If set to Yes, links and short description to items will be shown even if users are not authorized to view the item.
Display Select: Show the Display # control that allows the user to select the number of records to show.
Pagination: Pagination provides page links at the bottom of the page that allow the user to navigate to additional pages.
Pagination Summary: Show the current page number and total pages.
Description Length: If unauthorized links option is enabled, you can set the length of description to show.
Limit Submissions: Enter the number of records a user can submit from the frontend. Enter 0 if you do not want to limit the number of frontend submissions.
Open Graph: Enable to add open graph tags to the content items.
Structured Data: Enable to add structured data to the content items. More options will be available after enabling it.