Display User Weather Information in Joomla

This module displays weather information of any location or as defined in user custom field. The module uses Open Weather Map API.

API Key: You can get the API Key from https://openweathermap.org/.

Mode: Select either "Fixed" or "User Fields".

Units: Select the unit to display.

Fixed Mode

In this mode, the module displays weather information for a particular city.

City: Enter the name of city. For example: London

Country: Enter the country code in ISO 3166 format (2 digit country code). For example: GB

User Fields Mode

In this mode, the module displays weather information for a city defined in Joomla! user custom field. In this mode, you should publish the module to registered users.

City Field: Select the user custom field that stores city information.

Country Field: Select the user custom field that stores the country information. This should be saved as ISO 3166 format (2 digit country code).