File List Field Guide
The Filelist field provides dropdown select list of files.
Field Settings
Directory: The filesystem path to the directory containing the files to be listed. If omitted, the directory given by the JPATH_ROOT is assumed.
File Filter: The filter for filename. It is a regular expression string which is used to filter the list of files selected for inclusion in the dropdown list. If blank, all files in the directory are included.
Exclude: It is a regular expression string which is used to exclude files from the list.
Strip Extension: The file name extensions will be stripped from the file names listed. Also, the file name will be saved without the extension too.
Hide None: If enabled, the '- None selected -' item is omitted from the dropdown list.
Hide Default: If enabled, the '- Use default -' item is omitted from the dropdown list.
Multiple: Whether multiple values can be selected from the dropdown list.
Form Layout: Choose the layout that will be used to render the field.
Displaying File at Frontend
In the view options, select File as Layout.
Directory: This is the base directory of files. This should be same as directory in field options.
Button Text (Required): Text to be displayed for the link. For example: Download File or View File
Button Class: CSS Class for styling the link.
Target Window: Choose whether to open file in new window or same window.
Force Download: Whether to force download file.