download demo component
I found your tutorial about the Joomla component development:
As I can see you build a component called com_stars.
Is there maybe a downloadable installer for that? It would be gread to check the whole package.
Thank you in advance.
Hi! I just played with your B1 -Â
I renamed the component to com_depot and the default view to "parts", otherwise very similar. What I have found:
Unfortunately, there is no <?php tag at the beginning of most files, this could be a problem for beginners.There is also a missing line in the file /admin/src/Extension/StarsComponent.php; there have to be a starting line with the namespace, otherwise the provider.php only works with the MVCComponent and not with the extension of it.
You'll get an Error:An error has occurred. 0 Class "TechFry\Component\Stars\Administrator\Extension\StarsComponent" not found
So please add the line to the tutorial for the StarComponent.php file:namespace TechFry\Component\Stars\Administrator\Extension;
Thank you very much, BR Tom