Forum has empty page. Added 2 Items
I just install,
I made a menu: List All Topics and Add Topic
I wrote two items. But nothing is present on the front page.
Joomla 4.1.5 / PHP 8.0.20
What can it be?
Wil you add this in the next update? Or even a variable space in the Admin? Thanks a lot! I want to do a donation for all your help. I do not want a Premium Membership (for cources etc.) Only a one-time donation. Do you have a Paypal link for me? So that I can transfer the donation? Regards, Milian
Editing PHP is not required. There are two solutions to get space.
Edit the menu item for List All Topics.
1. You can put title above the submit button - either in description as h1 tag or set show title to enabled.
2. You can add CSS to button class - like my-3 for bootstrap that gives top and bottom margin.
Here is the link for online payment:
Thank you in advance :)
Thanks for the update, now vistors (clients) can adding items with paragraph(s) and bold etc.
One thing I noticed is that after an update direct or with the Joomla updater my own
language/nl-NL/ folder is gone within the /com_tfforum/language.
Only the default /language/en-EN/ is present after a com_tfforum_free update.
Is this unavoidable or can you make this the same as a Joomla update where the /nl-NL/ folder stays untouched.
Regards, Milian
When I set JCE Editor in Joomla as default. Only an Admin sees the Editor in the front-end.
When login as a Registered useer the Editor field is gone in the front-end of TF_Forum.
What must I change? and where.
(I do not want TinyMCE as default in Jooma for several reasons.)
Will solve the language folder problem in next update. It will take couple of days.
For JCE editor, you need to set some permissions in JCE editor configuration. Similar issue was there earlier. Refer this:
Thanks everything is understood. JCE works fine in my (limited) Front settings.
I have another issue.
Sinds your latest updates (i think it is) I notice the following:
I set one or more Replies as Unpublished. But this replies are still present in the forum.
Even when I delete a reply (one ore more) this reply(s) is/are stil present in the front.
See the attachment.
Hope you wil solve this.
(It is important if a replier asks me to delete his reply.)