
Hide lessons title in course main description

Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
TF Learn
September 12, 2024


The lessons titles shows up in double at the end of the course main description, just before the "inscription" button. It is not necessary for the lessons outline to show up here since they are also showing up in the skeleton of the course itself, where it should be.

1- How to remove this ?

2- Also how can the double display be removed ? it is also problematic in the course itself (screenshots included).

3- Also how can we display the module titles in the course ? that would make the organization of the lessons more logical. 

Thank you!

Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
September 13, 2024

I did find the solution to the double display of lessons problem (in a previous post) and you did confirm it as well. 

So my only question left is the third one: how can we display the module titles in the course ? that would make the organization of the lessons more logical. 

Thank you!

Joomla Fry
Posts: 952
September 14, 2024

In the component options, under the Course Tab. If the layout is Plain, then headings should be enabled.

Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
September 16, 2024


I was talking about the module headings, not the lesson or the course headings. Since lessons are grouped by modules within a course, it would be logical and useful to see the modules displayed as subdivisions of the course.

Thank you

Joomla Fry
Posts: 952
September 17, 2024

Headings for all three - course, module and lessons are displayed. You can select accordion or tab layout to group lessons into modules.

Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
September 17, 2024

Ok, thanks, I'm using plain, that's probably why.

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