
Optimalisation request

Ronald Spierings
Posts: 22
TF Learn
September 09, 2023

Question type - True/False: Admin has to fill in the answer true or false. Should be nice to make a pulldown of radio buttons to select the correct answer true or false. Second improvement would be the possibility to add translation. Now when performing the test the user will always see the English text True or False while taking the test or checking the results.

Results page user: Would be nice to add to the options page of the results page the possibility choosing the columns to show for the user like "Total questions at test" - "Total questions correct" - "Score" - "Percentage". Only the score could confuse the user, when using the mark option at the questions tap at the test page not setting it to 1 ;-)

Typo language tags: (already mentioned before) At Tf Learn options - tab "Test". At two language tags a "N" is used instead of "M" CON_TFLEARN_CUSTOM_REDIRECTCON_TFLEARN_CUSTOM_MESSAGE

Correction of question about Truncate Table: At previous post I asked if truncating table was still possible. My mistake. The provided Dutch translation was a bit confusing. The correct Dutch translation for "Truncate Table" should be "Opschonen tabel" and not "Afvaltafel".

Translation files Dutch: Love that you added Dutch translation. Assume you used an automatic translation tool. Some of the Dutch translations are not completely correct. Coming week I will try to find all the little translation errors and send you the corrected Dutch language files for front-end and back-end.

Regards, Ronald

Joomla Fry
Posts: 934
September 11, 2023


We are working on it with changes and improvements. New version will be released tomorrow.

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