Pay Now leads to an Error
Hallo Support Team,
I got the pay now and add to cart button thanks to you running, but now if I click the pay now then I run into that error:
I use SQL version 5.7 and so far everything was ok with it. I would be very happy if you help me to solve that issue - thanks you.
My Payment Plugin is TF PayPal and it is setup in options / payment plugin.
The Form by Plugin option is set to no as you mentioned at my other issue with the pay and add to cart button nor appearing.
Kind regards, Andi :)
Yes, for testing PayPal, login details are different.
You have to create two test accounts in Paypal: One for the merchant that will be used for business email in the plugin. Second for the customer that will be used for payment on the frontend.
The keys will be different as well.
Check here: