Quote request, for a set of personalized Joomla V extensions
We want to create a Joomla V website for French riders and it seems that you have already developed most of the extensions we need.
We want to: create a portal with a fun quiz game, e-learning, a shop selling books and various items, with different prices depending on the user groups.
We want the courses and questions to be displayed in the site template (currently Gantry Hydrogen, but we would also like to experiment with other templates). We have tested TF Learn, but the configuration seems too complex to us currently to have a satisfactory site from a graphic point of view. The same goes for TF Shop, we do not understand how to configure the payment method (Paypal or Stripe)
We would like the administrator interface to be in French, better translated and that some items presented on the store refer to Amazon pages and the Amazon basket and possibly other affiliate platforms.
You can see our site under development: . Can you make us a proposal with a quote including maintenance for this type of development, what would be your deadline? Do not hesitate to ask me questions and details and to suggest improvements.
Best regards.
F.Xavier Bigo