Redirect page
I would like my clients to be automatically redirected to the Orders page once they click on the pay (or download) button to get a digital product (whether free of not)
At the moment, when they click on a product, they go straight on a blank page. And there are no message appearing anywhere to indicated whether they were successful or not.
I'm probably missing something, please advise me.
Please update to 1.4.4, the layout error on the orders page is solved. Is there any other place where the error is showing?
For product details page, I am not able to find any error. Save the configuration and menu item pointing to products page. It may solve the problem.
For copying orders, navigate to backend orders list view -> Actions -> Export.
You should see type as tfs_orders. In the columns, select id, title, published, otype, pid, user_id, amount, created, modified, created_by.
Then, click on Export. A CSV file should be downloaded.
Do you have access to phpMyAdmin?
The options have changed. Go to the menu item for displaying list of products. Under the options, you can set which buttons to show and text of button. Button formatting is not working at present.
If you have downloaded CSV file of orders, then you can import the file to tfs_order_items table. This will show the past orders for users. Otherwise only new orders will be shown on the frontend Orders page.
In the phpMyAdmin, select the table, import option, then CSV in file format, set Columns as: order_id,title,published,otype,pid,user_id,amount,created,modified,created_by
The associations part got slight delayed as some urgent code improvements were required. Multilingual is not fully implemented yet.
For redirecting users, you can use same Orders page for both paid and free downloads. Or do you need different Orders page for free and paid products?
For implementing different languages, you can create different menu items for Orders page in different languages and link these menu items with associations.
Thank you for sharing the feedback :) Lets go step by step.
First, check if redirecting URL is working or not. After creating two menu items (English and French) for the Orders page, set the redirect URL in the component options without including the language.
Then, French users should be redirected to French Orders page and English users should be redirected to English orders page.
Hi again :-) I have been doing some test on a staging site and I wanted to bring you some feedback.
Regarding redirect URL to the order page in a multilingual website, you said: "For implementing different languages, you can create different menu items for Orders page in different languages and link these menu items with associations."
So following your suggestion, I created 2 menu items for orders pages in 2 languages (French and English) and associated them. I also created 2 menu items for products pages in those 2 languages.
Then, I created an English user, logged this English user in the English side of my website, went on the English products page and chose one English Item to download. But when I clicked on the product to download it, I was asked to log in again ?? So I did...
And what happened is that I was sent on the French side of the website (which is why I was asked to log in again, to the French side this time) I landed on the French order page (logical since that is URL I set as a redirect for the payment gateway) !!
The other problem is that once I was there... My English products were not in the orders page. That is logical as well since they were all configured as English.
So, what has to be implemented is different redirect URL for each language. I think that would fix this problem. What do you think ?
I hope this report will be useful to you. Don't hesitate to ask if you need any further testing or any clarifications on that one.