
Redirect page

Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
TF Shop
April 22, 2022


I would like my clients to be automatically redirected to the Orders page once they click on the pay (or download) button to get a digital product (whether free of not)

At the moment, when they click on a product, they go straight on a blank page. And there are no message appearing anywhere to indicated whether they were successful or not.

I'm probably missing something, please advise me.

Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
April 22, 2022
I found it !! ;-)
Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
April 22, 2022
In TF shop options => payment => redirect URL I put my orders URL and all is as expected now, even the success message is shown now.
Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
April 24, 2022
Hi, Sadly, TFshop does not seem to support multilingual website (yet) So if I manually choose an English URL, my French client will be confused, or vice-versa. I imagine you are planning to implement joomla core multilingual functionalities sooner or later, but would you have a solution to get around this problem in the meanwhile ? Please advise. Thanks!
Joomla Fry
Posts: 947
April 24, 2022

Yes, we are working to support multilingual aspects similar to Joomla! core. We can accelerate this on priority to include in the component in 2 to 3 weeks time.

How about using Google Translate?

Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
April 24, 2022
Woah !! Nice ! 2 to 3 weeks is good news. I'll play with google translate to see, but the extra problem is that once the English clients are redirected to a French TFshop page, they get moved to the French side of the website, and to top it off, the language switcher gets greyed out. So it's not the best user experience. I'll try to figure out something in the meanwhile. Anyways, thanks for the great news !!
Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
May 03, 2022
I tried but I didn't find any satisfactory work-around solution. I'll have to wait for your new version. Have you been able to progress as well as you wanted on it ?
Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
May 03, 2022
I can try your new beta version if you want.
Joomla Fry
Posts: 947
May 03, 2022

Yes, we are working on it. Also, we are working on integrating Joomla! web services API.

With these two features and some other improvements, it will be released by next week.

Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
May 03, 2022
This is really great news !! Can't wait for next week ;-)
Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
May 10, 2022
First of all, thank you for the new version to which I updated today. The shop is now in two languages and the multilingual switch is not greyed out anymore. However, there is no choice to select a redirect URL for each language, but only a unique choice (like before) which means that user still has 50% probability to be send to a page written in a language that he cannot understand. Do you have any advice how to resolve this problem ? Thanking you in advance!
Joomla Fry
Posts: 947
May 11, 2022

Multilingual associations is not fully implemented yet. It will take couple of more updates.

Should be ready by 5 to 7 days.

Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
May 11, 2022
OK, thanks for the info.
Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
May 19, 2022
There was an auto-update today, version 1.4.1 (somehow 1.4.0 was skipped) Sadly, that update broke TF shop ! These are the error messages I got during the upgrade: Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Folder::delete: Path is not a folder. Path: [ROOT]/components/com_tfshop/includes Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Folder::delete: Path is not a folder. Path: [ROOT]/administrator/components/com_tfshop/includes And that is the error when I tried to access TFshop: Class 'TechFry\Library\View\TfViewDashboard' not found Front-end shop is now broken and show 404 error Please provide an urgent fix
Joomla Fry
Posts: 947
May 19, 2022


The error indicated that Library is missing which is required for the extension.

I have emailed you library zip file. You can install or reinstall it using standard Joomla! installer.

Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
May 19, 2022
Error is now fixed, thanks for your reactivity !!
Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
May 19, 2022
Once the new version is ready and while waiting for the doc to catch up, could you please explain how there will be different landing multilingual pages when a user buys (or downloads for free) a file depending on his language (normally I would expect this behavior to be automatic, once someone chooses a product, the usual behavior is a message asking him to choose between continuing his shopping, of go to his cart and pay / or download for free). So how is it going to be for Techfry multilingual ? Thanks for clarifications !
Joomla Fry
Posts: 947
May 19, 2022

There will be Associations tab in the product form (similar to Joomla Articles). For different languages, different products need to be created. Then, these will be linked through associations.

Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
May 19, 2022
Just updated to 1.4.3 and the page leading to customers orders is now empty. However, if I look in the admin order page, those orders are still visible. So, it looks like database is still ok, but the front end order page for the end user is not finding the database items.
Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
May 19, 2022
Basically index.php?option=com_tfshop&view=orders is broken
Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
May 19, 2022
The error message is : 500 Mise en page default_layout_plain introuvable
Joomla Fry
Posts: 947
May 19, 2022

The orders page in the frontend now gets data from the order items. Some data needs to be copied from orders to order items.

In the backend, how many total orders do you have?

Do you have cart orders or single product orders or both?

Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
May 19, 2022
In the backend there is 74 orders, all single products and free downloads
Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
May 19, 2022
And also, product detail pages are now blank (sorry, I'm just telling you things as I discover them)
Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
May 19, 2022
Same error message: 500 Mise en page default_layout_plain introuvable
Joomla Fry
Posts: 947
May 19, 2022

Please update to 1.4.4, the layout error on the orders page is solved. Is there any other place where the error is showing?

For product details page, I am not able to find any error. Save the configuration and menu item pointing to products page. It may solve the problem.

For copying orders, navigate to backend orders list view -> Actions -> Export.

You should see type as tfs_orders. In the columns, select id, title, published, otype, pid, user_id, amount, created, modified, created_by.

Then, click on Export. A CSV file should be downloaded.

Do you have access to phpMyAdmin?

Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
May 19, 2022
Version 14.4 seems to have fix those blank pages !! Checking thing further, but this is great already !!
Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
May 19, 2022
Order page is fine I think at one point I might have mix the product detail page with the order page, sorry about that. The only problem still with the detailed page is the title button to download or buy it. It is empty and do not show any caption. And yes, I do have access with PHPMyAdmin, what would you like me to do ?
Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
May 19, 2022
OK... I was able to inspect a old staging copy of my site with the 1.3.9 version of TFshop In the product detail page the button was : The value "Télécharger" was put by myself in the product page as the title for the download file But on the new version 1.4.4 there are now 2 buttons side by side, with no caption inside:
Joomla Fry
Posts: 947
May 19, 2022

The options have changed. Go to the menu item for displaying list of products. Under the options, you can set which buttons to show and text of button. Button formatting is not working at present.

If you have downloaded CSV file of orders, then you can import the file to tfs_order_items table. This will show the past orders for users. Otherwise only new orders will be shown on the frontend Orders page.

In the phpMyAdmin, select the table, import option, then CSV in file format, set Columns as: order_id,title,published,otype,pid,user_id,amount,created,modified,created_by

Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
May 19, 2022
OK, I did change the menu item. I chose not to show "add to cart" button, but it still shows Looking into reinserting past orders for users now...
Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
May 19, 2022
I chose not to show "add to cart" button, but it still shows... How to hide it ?
Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
May 19, 2022
All history has been restaured in users' orders following your instructions, Thanks!
Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
May 19, 2022
OK... For the moment, I hid the "Add to cart" button with CSS. Previously you said: "There will be Associations tab in the product form (similar to Joomla Articles). For different languages, different products need to be created. Then, these will be linked through associations." This will definitely be a nice feature when 2 identical products exists in 2 different languages. But what I was asking for is the redirect page url when someone buys a product. At the moment it is supposed to be linked to the payment gateway if it is a paying products, or in the case of a free download like I did, I chose to redirect the order page. The problem ATM is that we can implement only one scenario. This means that I can only direct French users to the order page for free downloads, but I can't direct them to a payment gateway for a paying download. Similarly, ATM I can't send any English-speaking users to either paying or free downloads. When I first asked about this, you said: "May 03, 2022, Yes, we are working on it. Also, we are working on integrating Joomla! web services API. With these two features and some other improvements, it will be released by next week." But none of your subsequent updates addressed that issue (I thought the one you issued today did, but sadly it didn't) , so I wonder if maybe I was't able to express well enough what my problem was. It isn't just about the multilingual functionality, which of course is an obvious issue in a multilingual website, and it is wonderful that you are making big progress on that front. But this other issue is also very important : what happens when a user click on a product to download it. So far if I do not put a redirect url in the payment gateway configuration, he is served a blank page with no confirmation message. To resume my original question in this thread: is there a way to direct a user to an appropriate and meaningful page, whether he is French or English and whether he chose a free or a paying product ? Thank you in advance for your help with this.
Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
May 19, 2022
"add to cart" button fixed with version 1.4.5 Thank you !!
Joomla Fry
Posts: 947
May 19, 2022

The associations part got slight delayed as some urgent code improvements were required. Multilingual is not fully implemented yet.

For redirecting users, you can use same Orders page for both paid and free downloads. Or do you need different Orders page for free and paid products?

For implementing different languages, you can create different menu items for Orders page in different languages and link these menu items with associations.

Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
May 19, 2022
If I understand correctly, you are saying that if I put a custom url for my English speaking users, such as "/my-downloads" in the redirect URL for gateway payment in TFshop global configuration, it would automatically send my French speaking user to "/fr/mes-téléchargements" if these two url were associated as multilingual menus in Joomla (in my case, both would actually be linked to the orders page in each language) If so that's simple and great !! Otherwise, both free and paid order can show up in the same orders page, that is really fine. The only question I have is how then would it be possible for users to ever reach the payment gateway, if the url for the payment gateway had previously been redefined as the orders page (which is the only solution I found so far to redirect users to the orders page after choosing to get a product )?
Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
May 20, 2022
Hello, Updated to version 1.4.6 this morning. Good news, nothing is broken ;-) Just wondering where is your repository with changelog ? Thanks
Joomla Fry
Posts: 947
May 20, 2022

Thank you for sharing the feedback :) Lets go step by step.

First, check if redirecting URL is working or not. After creating two menu items (English and French) for the Orders page, set the redirect URL in the component options without including the language.

Then, French users should be redirected to French Orders page and English users should be redirected to English orders page.

Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
May 20, 2022
First step "First, check if redirecting URL is working or not. After creating two menu items (English and French) for the Orders page, set the redirect URL in the component options without including the language."
In my previous test I set it as such => (the SEF URL for the French side)
This time I set it as index.php?option=com_tfshop&view=orders (the Joomla "real" URL just to try. And now...
Everything works as it should !!!
Thanks for making me do it over again. As it stands TFshop should be useful to me in both languages. A thousand Thankyou and Merci beaucoup!! :-D
Joomla Fry
Posts: 947
May 20, 2022

You can try entering following URL in redirect:

Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
May 20, 2022
Actually, index.php?option=com_tfshop&view=orders works perfectly for both languages, plus it automatically is redirected to the proper SEF pages in both languages: for the French side for the English sides

So that is something that could be added in the doc for multilingual sites, not to use one of the language SEF address, but the "raw php" address found on the menu setup, and that "raw php" address will be automatically redirected to the proper language SEF address by Joomla.
Pierrick LE BRUN
Posts: 96
May 21, 2022

Hi again :-) I have been doing some test on a staging site and I wanted to bring you some feedback.

Regarding redirect URL to the order page in a multilingual website, you said: "For implementing different languages, you can create different menu items for Orders page in different languages and link these menu items with associations."

So following your suggestion, I created 2 menu items for orders pages in 2 languages (French and English) and associated them. I also created 2 menu items for products pages in those 2 languages.

Then, I created an English user, logged this English user in the English side of my website, went on the English products page and chose one English Item to download. But when I clicked on the product to download it, I was asked to log in again ?? So I did...

And what happened is that I was sent on the French side of the website (which is why I was asked to log in again, to the French side this time) I landed on the French order page (logical since that is URL I set as a redirect for the payment gateway) !!

The other problem is that once I was there... My English products were not in the orders page. That is logical as well since they were all configured as English.

So, what has to be implemented is different redirect URL for each language. I think that would fix this problem. What do you think ?

I hope this report will be useful to you. Don't hesitate to ask if you need any further testing or any clarifications on that one.

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