Send test newsletter to super users only.
Posts: 1
TF Mail
November 02, 2022
I'm new to all this as I inherited the website and it's all Greek to me.
I want to send out the newsletter through TF mail but want to send it to the super users only (ID=8) first to check the unsubscribe option and see how it all looks.
All the Filters (Field, operator, value, custom, user) make no sence to me. what is what?
I tried a few things like "group_id" and 8 in each of the operator and value and both sections and got errors
Still, this all means nothing to me and searches come up with even more nothing :-(
How would I set this to test how my newsletter looks by sending it only to the super users first.
Joomla Fry
Posts: 947
Posts: 2
Joomla Fry
Posts: 947
Posts: 2