
TF mail gives no dynamic content any more

Posts: 41
TF Mail
August 07, 2024

I had a newsletter that was automatically with the new articles of a category {JC 26 5}. Now it sends the newsletter but without content, only the placeholders. In the tab options I found new options.

When I select current user and date in Dynamic types I get the username and date back but I don't find a way to get the articles back.

Joomla Fry
Posts: 952
August 09, 2024


There is new and improved way of including dynamic content. Under the options tab, in the multiple source, select Articles.

Then, you can include various article elements like title, introtext, fulltext, url and others using short codes like {DC title}, {DC url}, etc.

Posts: 41
August 09, 2024

I really believe that it is an improved way to include dynamic content but without any documentation it is worthless.

At least in the beginning it was nice that their was some backward comptability.

I had a newsletter like this (and also a {DATE} field)


Hallo {NAME},

Hier volgt alweer de laatste info van TTC Alken.

{JC 26 5}


It should send a newsletter when (max 5) new articles where created in category Club-Nieuws (26)

In tab Sending Options Frequency is set to 1 and Check New articles is set to Yes

In tab Options I did check Dynamic Content and as Dynamic types I marked Current User and Date (wich already worked for the date and name)

I also tried Category in Dynamic types with 26 as ID and/or Articles as multiple source (with Club-Nieuws as category but found no way to get my articles back in the mailing.

{DC Title} did not work and how do you let it repeat?

Some help is appreciated,

Joomla Fry
Posts: 952
August 10, 2024

There was some issue with this. Now solved, please update the component. We have also updated documentation.

There are couple of things to configure multiple source content.

1. In the component options, under Dynamic tab, add a new subform with reference as A and format as {DC title}. It will repeat itself.

2. While editing newsletter, add short code {MULTIPLE A}.

3. In the multiple source, select Articles with the required categories and set limit as 5.

Click Save and preview. It should display article titles from the category. 

Posts: 41
August 10, 2024

I updated the component (and library) but i doesn't work!

I had a very simple newsletter that was send only when there were new articles in a category.

Before that was simple I added {JC 26 5} and checked 'Check for New Articles' in the send options. I had a mailing with a heading and then the title and text of all the new articles. I want that back!

Now I try to follow your documentation so I created a subform with  reference Art and format as {DC title}

In the newsletter I added the shortcode {MULTIPLE Art}. In the preview I get the titles of the last 5 articles but that are all old articles (except 1) so normally it should show only 1 title

I try to add {DC fulltext} or {JA fulltext} in the subform to have but don't get the full article... How do I get the full text?

Then I think, now I have to add a condition to limit it to the new articles so I try to add a condition Filter field 'created', condition =, value 0 and datefield checked to limit to the articles of today but then I get an error: 

1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ''' AND Array '' AND catid IN (?) ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 5' at line 3

Also when I try another condition (state = 1 to show only published articles) I get the same error.



BTW: Even your mailing to tell me that there is a reaction here doesn't work well anymore as before it has my name on top and now Hello {NAME} 





Joomla Fry
Posts: 952
August 11, 2024

1. "Check for New Articles" option is still there for Automation type newsletters.. This is not changed.

2. {DC fulltext} will load article text below read more link. Also add {DC introtext} before the fulltext. This will load the complete article.

3. In conditions, state is not required as by default only published articles are included.

4. There was issue with filters. Now fixed. You can add condition with filter field 'publish_up', operator as greater than, and value as -1. Also, select field type ad date. This will include articles which are published a day earlier.

Posts: 41
August 11, 2024

OK, fine. The {DC introtext} did the trick. I assumed that fulltext gave the full text... and as I mostly have rather short articles without Read More.

As far as I know is this an automation newsletter and the Check for New articles is checked but still it returns the last 5 articles even if they are older so I had to include the condition (Publish_up > -1 as date) to get only the new articles.

I'm waiting now that the mailing is send but in the preview it looks OK .


BTW: How do I force that it only checks the new articles for the day at evening (22:00 or so)? Before I tought it was the time part of 'Send date' in the tab 'Send Options' but I have the impression that it not always looks at that.


Thanks for the help,



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