TF Mail - How new New Subscribers : Active by himself
Please consider 2 things:
1. After Visitor finishes the Opt-in Form (in Menu TF Mail > Subscriber): One new Joomla User is created, but under not activated and Block. How he can active by himself? Problem comes when he buys something on Shop, website requests he need Login or Create New Account, while Email is in User Component (Inactive) > He can not do anything more, - He can not get Remind Username and/or Re-set password.
2. Plugin - User Profile: + Joomla have core User Profile (some field like Mobile, Address..) can add to Register Form of Core Joomla. It is very useful. + While TF Mail Opt-in Form for new Subscribers support User Custom Fields, but it does not support Core User Profile Field. Please consider this feature. Example: We should not create it in customer field will core User Profile had this field.
Thank you
1. You can bypass the user activation by setting new user account activation to None. From Users component > Options > User Options tab.
If you need users to activate themselves, email can be sent after the user is subscribed.
2. Joomla core user profile fields will be good addition to subscription form. We will add this feature in the next update (will take around 1 to 2 weeks)
Alternatively, you can also use Joomla registration form for subscribing users.
1. Yes, Setting in User Option - "New User Account Activation "New User Account Activation: None", it works with New Subscriber by TF Mail. Anyways, TF Mail Subscriber should follow Joomla User Setting (User can get activation email active him self). This is meet double opt-in that European requests too (I see one Help Desk mentioned about this).
2. Yes, TF Mail should support core User Joomla Field. Thank you
Version: 3.2.6 Pro
You added User Profile to Subscriber Form, I can add "Phone field". But it is no work (not saved, not follow Required Field)
I found that in User Profile Plugin, there are 2 Field Group (02 phone field settings).
User profile fields for registration and administrator user forms User profile fields for profile edit form> You added wrong group, and you missed "Required, Option, Disable"
So, it does not work