
TF Shop - Payment Options (Advice Appreciated)

Sharn Sutherland
Posts: 11
TF Shop
June 21, 2023

Hey There, 

The site is looking great by the way :) - I've seen it evolve over the last couple of months, 

I've enjoyed working with your products - they all installed with no issues (running Joomla 4) ,

The Subscription option for TF Shop is Very Handy (& Unique at the moment for Joomla 4 plugins) 

However I only have the one payment option available which is Pay-Pal , 

Can you show me where to find any other payment options (plugins/extensions) for TF Shop?

(is there a link or an area of your website I have missed?) 

Also, I'm not sure If I can find an option for Direct Bank Transfer/Deposits

- You're very talented so I'd like to suggest what I need (others may too?) 

I would like a way - in the payments area that when customers choose to pay via Bank Deposit/Transfer (maybe others might use this for Escrow too) 

So the User Signals that they want to deposit the Money and therefore the sale is pending -

That way the Admin gets a Message to Expect a Bank payment (using a product number ID) and then the sale is not fully completed until the Admin authorises the sale (manually after confirmation from the bank) 

A payment feature like this would be very handy (as a back-up alternative to pay-pal) as many of my potential customers will be in the same country so a Payment via Bank Deposit or Transfer is quite common

Maybe there is a way I could achieve a similar result using TF Tools of some kind, 

I was hoping you might be able to point me in the right direction on how I could achieve this ??.

if not then I'd like to suggest such a handy payment alternative and I would also like to know where I can find any other TF Payment plugins. (other than Pay-Pal)

Thanks for Reading & I love your work :) 

- Sharn

Joomla Fry
Posts: 952
June 25, 2023


For payment gateway options, you can use Payage Joomla component -

Currently, TF Shop supports only one payment gateway. In future, we will be adding option to include multiple payment gateways as well.


Sharn Sutherland
Posts: 11
June 26, 2023

Awesome, Thanks - It could be just the solution for now :)

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