Upload TFLearn Questions
until April, I worked quite well with TF Learn. Today I wanted to upload questions as usual, but I noticed, that some fields on the screen are missing.
I have no chance to define the columns which I want to upload (see screenshot). I put all questions in a csv-file, all updates of TF Learn are up to date and the joomla-version is 4.3.3.
Thanks and regards
G. Lammel
We have changed upload process to make it easier. Documentation is under development.
In the CSV file, you can define column names in the first row in any order as: title, lesson_id, description, explanation, option_a, option_b, option_c, correct
Please note title and lesson_id are required.
If lesson id is same for all the questions, you can also add Lesson Id in Addon merge data like this - lesson_id:5
Hope this helps. Let me know if there is any issue.