Featured Articles in Joomla

Articles are assigned to categories, and menu link items are used to open the category or article, which displays in the content area of the website. Most websites have specific articles to be displayed on the front page, and these articles may be assigned to one, or different categories.

However, articles must be assigned to only one category. Displaying articles from multiple categories on the front page can be achieved using the Featured Articles option within the individual Article.

How to Make an Article Featured

Step 1

Log in to the Administrator backend as the super user. In the backend, open the Article Manager.

Content -> Articles

Step 2

To make any article featured, click on the star icon (Toggle featured status) in the status column. Alternatively, open the edit article screen by clicking the title and then click Yes for the Featured Option.

Featured Articles List

It is used to control the order of the featured articles. Navigate to:

Content -> Featured Articles

The resulting screen is a list of the articles that have been designated as featured.

Menu Item for Featured Articles

Generally, the Home page is used for featured articles.

Layout Settings

  • Select Categories: Select which categories the featured articles will come from. This can be one, several, or all categories.
  • # Leading Articles: Leading articles appear at the top of the content area as the full width of the column. If the value is 0, all of the articles will appear as defined in the Columns value. 
  • # Intro Articles: Intro articles are the number of articles displayed after the leading articles.
  • # Columns: The Columns can be 1, 2, 3, or any value that is good for visual display.
  • # Links: After the leading and intro articles, there can be text links to additional articles.
  • Multi Column Order: The way articles are presented is set by the Multi Column Order parameter, either down or across.
  • Category Order: If several categories are used to source the articles, they can be displayed in a specific order.
  • Article Order: The order of article display is set with this parameter.