Joomla Database Table: content_types
This table stores all the types of content that is available in your Joomla, including third-party extension. This table is used by other Joomla tables and components.
First three columns and first thirteen rows of this table are:
type_id | type_title | type_alias |
1 | Article | com_content.article |
2 | Contact | |
3 | Newsfeed | com_newsfeeds.newsfeed |
4 | User | com_users.user |
5 | Article Category | com_content.category |
6 | Contact Category | com_contact.category |
7 | Newsfeeds Category | com_newsfeeds.category |
8 | Tag | com_tags.tag |
9 | Banner | com_banners.banner |
10 | Banners Category | com_banners.category |
11 | Banner Client | com_banners.client |
12 | User Notes | com_users.note |
13 | User Notes Category | com_users.category |