Joomla menuitem Form Field Type

The menuitem form field type provides a drop down grouped list of the available menu items from Joomla site. This field extends the groupedlist field type.

XML Field Definition

<field name="mymenuitem" type="menuitem" default="45" label="Select menu item" />

The menuitem form field type gives the ID of the selected menu item. To get a search engine friendly URL using the ID, use JRoute.


Additional Parameters

published: It determines whether all menu items are listed or only published menu items. If state is '0', then unpublished menu items are listed. If state is '1', then only published menu items are listed. You also can use comma separated values like '1,2'.

menu_type: It filters by the menutype value in database table #__menu or the value of form field Menu Type in edit form of a menu.

client_id: It filters by the client_id value in database table #__menu. '0' is for site menu items. '1' is for administrator menu items. The default value is '0'.