Joomla password Form Field Type

The password form field type provides a text box to enter password.

XML Definition

 label="Enter password" />

Additional Parameters

lock: If set to true, it removes the password from the output and adds a Modify button to the password field. It only transmits data if the field is in modify mode. The default value is false.

strengthmeter: If set to true, a password strength meter is displayed as user types in the password. The default value is false.

maxlength: The maximum number of characters for password. Default value is 99.

forcePassword: The force flag.

rules: The rules flag.

threshold: The default value is 66.

Password Requirements

You can set the requirements of password in the User component options.

minlength: The allowable minimum length of password.

minintegers: The allowable minimum length of integers.

minsynmbols: The allowable minimum length of symbols.

minuppercase: The allowable minimum length of upper case characters.

minlowercase: The allowable minimum length of lower case characters.