Remove Artio Joomsef Copyright

Joomsef is SEO Extension for Joomla. To remove the copyright footer message which is displayed on each page, open the file (via FTP or cPanel File Manager) joomsef.php (This file is located in components/com_sef folder).

This tutorial works for Joomsef 1.4.x version for Joomla 2.5.x and Joomla 3.x versions.

Find (use ctrl + F) and remove the following code:

<div><a href="http://www.artio';.
'.net" style="font-size: 8px; v'.
'isibility: visible; display: i'.
'nline;" title="Web development'.
', Joomla, CMS, CRM, Online sho'.
'p software, databases">Joomla '.
'SEF URLs by Artio</a></div>