TF Lists Documentation

TF Lists is Joomla custom fields plugin to display linked list of items divided into sections. You can add custom classes for styling the list.

Plugin Options

List Type: Select the type of Html list element to use - Unordered List (ul) or Ordered List (ol).

List Class: Enter the class to be applied on the list tag (ul or ol).

List Item Class: Enter the class to be applied on the list item tag (li).

Link Class: Enter the class to be applied on link tag (a).

Heading Level: Select the Html tag for heading level for creating sections.

Heading Class: Enter the class to be applied on the heading tag selected above.

Field Options

After you have created the custom field, you will see the sub form for entering the information.

Type: Select the type - List Item or Heading. Select the heading to create a new section.

Title: Enter the title to be displayed at the frontend.

Url: In case of List Item type, enter the link here. You can leave it empty for the heading.